Meet the Programme Board
The Programme Board is a group of elected individuals who oversee the portfolio of activities related to Safer Complex Systems (SCS), on behalf of the Academy’s Trustee Board, International Committee and Lloyd’s Register Foundation. The Chair of the Programme Board is Dame Judith Hackitt DBE FREng.
The purpose of the Board is to provide strategic direction and clear objectives to guide the delivery of the SCS activates. Each member brings a wealth of expertise and experience relevant to the mission and provides linkages, knowledge, opportunities and helps identify potential risks.
Dame Judith Hackitt DBE FREng (Chair)
Dame Judith Hackitt is a Fellow and a trustee of the Royal Academy of Engineering. She is currently Chair of Enginuity, a non-Exec of the High Value Manufacturing Catapult and also of HS2 Ltd and advises UK and Australian Governments on building safety matters. Dame Judith was Chair of the Health and Safety Executive from 2007-2016 and chaired the Independent review of Building Regulations and Fire safety “Building an Safer Future” for UK Government in the wake of the tragic fire at Grenfell Tower in 2017.

Dr Jan Przydatek
Jan Przydatek is Director of Technologies at Lloyd’s Register Foundation. He is on the boards of Discovering Safety, Assuring Autonomy International Programme, Structural Integrity Research Foundation, International Consortium of Nanotechnology and sits on the Trustworthy Autonomous Systems Strategic Advisory Board. He represents the Foundation as an observer in the Safetytech Accelerator Ltd and Lloyd’s Register Decarbonisation Hub. Prior to joining the Foundation, Jan had 20 years’ experience in the engineering industry.

Dr Jonathan Earthy
Jonathan is technical authority for HF in Lloyd's Register, including the R&D programme and the introduction of Ergonomics into Class. His technical speciality is the assurance of the quality of Human Factors Integration and HCD, with special reference to advanced ICT. He has participated in standards development since the mid-1980s and is Chair of ISO TC159/SC4 Human-system interaction.

Dr Nick Starkey
Nick is Director of Policy at the Royal Academy of Engineering. He leads Academy’s policy work including the National Engineering Policy Centre, which brings together organisations across the engineering sector to provide practical advice on policy issues of national importance.
Nick leads the Academy’s International Partnerships, which includes bilateral partnerships with Academies and other institutions across the globe, and Engineering X, an international collaboration with Lloyds Register Foundation that brings together some of the world’s leading problem-solvers to address the great challenges of our age.
Nick previously worked for BEIS, Cabinet Office, Defra, the NFU, and the British Red Cross.

Meet the Technical Advisory Group
The purpose of the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) is to provide technical assistance to the Safer Complex Systems (SCS) Programme Board. This helps inform the strategic direction and implementation of Engineering X’s activities under the SCS mission, which is supported by Lloyd’s Register Foundation.
Professor Roger Kemp MBE FREng
Roger Kemp spent 30 years in industry. He was Engineering Director of GEC’s railway projects group and, after the merger with Alstom, spent several years in Paris working on rail projects, including two years as Director of the Eurostar project team. More recently, he was appointed UK Technical and Safety Director of Alstom Transport.
In 2003, Roger joined Lancaster University as a Professorial Fellow and ran an industrial MSc programme on Safety Engineering. He is now an Emeritus Professor of Engineering and is active in the Academy’s energy policy and complex systems work.

Professor Brian Collins CB FREng
Professor Brian Collins took up the role of Professor of Engineering Policy at UCL on 1st August 2011 retiring as emeritus in 2020. He led the creation of a £278M capital investment programme in 14 Universities in the UK, UKCRIC, which he launched in 2017 which enables the UK to have a robust and innovative research and analysis base for informing the £600B estimated spend in Infrastructure in the UK in the next few decades. He is currently vice chair of the National Preparedness Commission, whose mission is to help the UK be better prepared for an uncertain future.

Professor Caroline Knowles
Caroline Knowles is Professor of Sociology at Goldsmiths University of London and Director of the British Academy’s GCRF Urban Infrastructures of Well-Being Programme: 23 research projects involving collaboration with partners in cities in the global south. The programme combines the expertise of researchers working in the humanities and social sciences with engineering. Caroline writes about migration and circulation of material objects — some of the social forces constituting globalisation. She is particularly interested in cities, having done research in London, Hong Kong, Beijing, Fuzhou, Addis Ababa, Kuwait City and Seoul. Her latest book, Serious Money: walks in plutocratic London, is published by Penguin (2022).

Dr Chris Elliot
Founder and Chief Regulatory Officer at Leman Micro Devices SA
Dr Chris White
Senior Programme Manager at Lloyd's Register Foundation
Dr Juliet Mian
Director at Arup
Duncan Kemp
Technical lead for systems engineering at the Ministry of Defence and Visiting Professor of Systems Thinking at Loughborough University
Professor John Beckford
Partner in Beckford Consulting, Visiting Professor in the Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering at University College London and Visiting Professor in Centre for Information Management at Loughborough University
Monika Szczyrba
Senior Technical Advisory Water and Floods at National Infrastructure Committee
Kerry Lunney
Country Engineering Director and Chief Engineer at Thales Australia and former President, CEO of INCOSE
Dr Thomas Jun
Reader in Socio-technical System Design at Loughborough University
Dr Mikela Chatzimichailidou
Global Research Development Manager at Arup
Dr Kristen MacAskill
Assistant Professor at Centre for Sustainable Development, University of Cambridge
Shaarad Sharma
Head of Engagement at the Technology and Science Insights Team at Go-Science and former Engineering X Senior Manager